Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Finally! A few photos!

A typical home in Uganda.  Mud huts and thatched roofs.  It's pretty incredible that people live in these houses their whole lives and are still very happy.  A good lesson for me about what "well-off" is. 

Elephants!  At the world-famous Safari Park- Kruger National Park.  It was incredible to see African animals in their natural habitat.

"Squatter Camps" in Rustenburg.  Thousands of people living in complete filth...it was incredibly disturbing, humbling, and disgusting.  Tiny metal shacks with no running water, no electricity, animal feces everywhere, extremely high cases of crime and rape, and AIDS running rampant.  It's a breeding ground for diseases also, which fuels the negative effects of a weak immune system from AIDS. 

We helped distribute Medication to AIDS patients in the bush bush of Uganda.

Karabo and I!  She's my favorite precious Orphan from Rustenburg, South Africa...where we were at the beginning of June.

Much Love from South Africa,
Lisa & Keith

1 comment:

  1. She's beautiful, next time bring her home with you, Keithisa! (get that Brangelina reference?)
